5681/5683/5684/5685 高精度石英套管标准铂电阻温度计
5681系列用于-200℃到铝点660.323℃。5683系列可长时间稳定地用于-200℃~480℃。5684和5685 系列高达1070℃,且可在银点上校准。...
5686 短尺寸玻璃套管标准铂电阻温度计
5686的温度范围为–260°C到 232°C,适合于低温应用。直径为 5.8mm,长度为 56mm。可在 –200°C到 232°C的范围内进行固定点校准...
5960A Triple Point of Argon System
Fluke Calibration 5960A calculates argon triple point using a reproducible process, produces a 30-hour temperature plateau & increases SPRT calibration efficiency....
7008/7040/7037/7012/7011 低温恒温槽
7008/7040/7037/7012/7011 低温恒温槽的稳定性可达±0.0007°C,“超级微调”功能可提供0.00003 °C 的设定点分辨率...
9260 小型铟/锡/锌/铝固定点复现/保存装置
此炉的成本不到大型炉的一半,可以使用小型铟、锡、锌和铝固定点容器,覆盖从 156.5985°C 到 660.323°C 之间的所有 ITS-90 固定点。...
7196 液氮比较器
7196 LN2 Comparison Calibrator from Fluke Calibration is simple to use and offers low-cost calibrations to –196°C. Request a quote today!...
5960ACC-PUMP | Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe....
5960ACC-PUMP/DEWAR | Rotary Vane Vacuum Pump
Fluke Calibration produces the broadest range of electrical, RF, temperature, pressure & flow calibration instruments & software that help measurement professionals around the globe....